
Yuav daws qhov teeb meem ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob li cas hauv Mid-Frequency Spot Welding Machine?

Thaum siv nruab nrab zauschaw vuam tshuab, hluav taws xob modules yuav ntsib teeb meem xws li module tswb mus txog qhov txwv thiab vuam tam sim no tshaj qhov txwv. Cov teeb meem no tuaj yeem cuam tshuam kev siv tshuab thiab cuam tshuam kev tsim khoom. Hauv qab no, peb yuav piav qhia yuav ua li cas los daws cov teeb meem no:

IF inverter chaw welder

Module Alarms ncav cuag qhov txwv:

IGBT module muaj kev paub dhau los: Yog tias lub zog hloov pauv loj thiab tsis sib haum nrog tus maub los, thov hloov tus maub los nrog lub zog siab dua lossis txo qhov vuam tam sim no.

Secondary diode ntawm lub vuam transformer yog luv luv: Yog hais tias lub thib ob Circuit Court qhib, siv ib tug multimeter los ntsuas lub thib ob diode. Yog hais tias ib qho kev ntsuas qhia tau hais tias ib txwm conductivity thiab lwm yam tsis, lub diode puas thiab xav tau kev hloov.

IGBT module puas tsuaj: Tshem tawm cov kab tsav thiab ntsuas qhov kev tiv thaiv ntawm IGBT module's GE. Kev ua haujlwm siab tshaj 8K ohms qhia txog kev ua haujlwm ib txwm muaj, thaum qhov kev tawm tsam qis qhia tau tias muaj kev puas tsuaj, yuav tsum tau hloov pauv module.

Kev puas tsuaj rau IGBT module tsav tsheb: Hloov IGBT module tsav tsheb.

Kev puas tsuaj rau lub rooj tsavxwm tseem ceeb: Hloov lub rooj tsavxwm loj.

Vuam tam sim no tshaj qhov txwv:

Vuam tam sim no tshaj qhov teev saum toj thiab qis qis: Kho qhov siab tshaj plaws thiab yam tsawg kawg nkaus tam sim no tsis nyob rau hauv cov kev qhia tshwj xeeb.

Preheating lub sij hawm, lub sij hawm ramp-up, teeb qhov tseem ceeb muaj nyob: Rau kev siv dav dav, teem lub sij hawm preheating, ramp-up lub sij hawm, thiab ramp-down lub sij hawm mus rau xoom kom tsis txhob nquag txwv tam sim no tswb.

Vuam tam sim no tus nqi tsawg dhau: Rau kev siv dav dav, teeb tsa tus nqi vuam tam sim no tsawg kawg yog 10% kom tsis txhob muaj kev txwv tam sim no.

Pre-pressure lub sij hawm luv luv: Yog hais tias lub sij hawm ua ntej lub siab luv luv, lub electrode pib welding sai li sai tau thaum nws nias tawm tsam workpiece, ua rau lub transformer tam sim no tsis hnov ​​​​lub vuam tam sim no thiab ua rau lub tswb. Nce lub sij hawm ua ntej lub siab.

Electrode stroke ntev dhau los yog tsis clamping lub workpiece: Muab ib daim ntawv nyias ntawm cov electrodes. Thaum lub electrode nias, yog tias daim ntawv lub kua muag, lub stroke yog tsim nyog; txwv tsis pub, nws ntev dhau lawm thiab xav tau kev hloov kho.

Tam sim no transformer hlau breakage los yog looseness: xyuas cov kev sib txuas ntawm lub tam sim no transformer rau hlau so los yog xoob plugs.

Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the development of automated assembly, welding, testing equipment, and production lines, serving industries such as household appliances, automotive manufacturing, sheet metal, and 3C electronics. We offer customized welding machines and automated welding equipment tailored to customer needs, including assembly welding production lines, assembly lines, etc., providing suitable automation solutions for enterprise transformation and upgrading. If you are interested in our automation equipment and production lines, please contact us:

Post lub sij hawm: Mar-25-2024