
Kev xaiv ntawm qhov chaw vuam specifications rau capacitive zog cia chaw vuam tshuab

Covqhov chaw vuamspecification yog ib qho tseem ceeb los txiav txim qhov zoo ntawm vuam.Feem ntau, cov vuam specification tsis raug xaiv raws li cov hauv qab no cov hauv paus ntsiab lus:

1. Lub cev muaj zog ntawm cov khoom siv:

Cov ntaub ntawv uas muaj hluav taws xob zoo thiab thermal conductivity, hard specifications nrog loj vuam tam sim no thiab luv zog lub sij hawm, yooj yim quenching cov ntaub ntawv, xaiv softer specifications, los yog ob chav mem tes specifications nrog qeeb txias los yog tempering kev kho mob, xaiv hluav taws xob lub zog, nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd mus xav txog lub chav tsev kub, qhov kub thiab txias lub zog thiab qhov loj ntawm kev nyiam ua kom muaj qhov tsis xws luag, cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev xaiv cov kev qhia tshwj xeeb yuav tsum tau txiav txim siab tib lub sijhawm.Vim tias thaj chaw cua sov yog nqaim thiab cov yas tsis kam ntawm qhov vuam cheeb tsam loj, yuav tsum siv lub zog hluav taws xob loj dua.

2, cov txheej txheem vuam yuav tsum tsis txhob tsim txaws:

Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau hauv cov khoom tseem ceeb, yuav tsis muaj spatter, yog li ntawd, lub vuam tam sim no thiab hluav taws xob quab yuam yuav tsum nyob rau hauv tus txheej txheem ntawm kom ntseeg tau qhov yuav tsum tau cov tub ntxhais loj.

3, cov khoom tsim thiab cov kev xav tau zoo:

Thaum welding loj nyias-walled lug, thiaj li yuav txo tau lub warping deformation ntawm cov qauv tom qab welding, hard welding specifications yuav tsum tau siv, thiab mos specifications yuav tsum tau siv rau cov qauv nrog loj rigidity thiab tsis zoo los ua ke los xyuas kom meej tias qhov sib koom ua ke nto muaj ib tug welding. zoo tiv tauj specification ua ntej melting kom tsis txhob sputtering.

Raws li cov hauv paus ntsiab lus saum toj no, kev xaiv tshwj xeeb ntawm vuam specifications feem ntau yuav muab faib ua ob kauj ruam, thawj kauj ruam los xaiv txhua qhov vuam specification, qhov thib ob los ntawm cov txheej txheem kev sim, hnav khaub ncaws specifications, los txiav txim qhov zoo tshaj plaws specifications.

Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is engaged in welding equipment manufacturers, focusing on the development and sales of energy-saving resistance welding machine, automatic welding equipment and industry non-standard special welding equipment, Agera focus on how to improve welding quality, welding efficiency and reduce welding costs. If you are interested in our capacitive energy storage spot welding machine, please contact

Post lub sij hawm: May-25-2024