Na ọganihu nke ịgbado ọkụ technology, ọkara-ugboro ugboroigwe ịgbado ọkụna-eji nwayọọ nwayọọ ghọtara site ahịa. Njirimara ịgbado ọkụ dị mma nke igwe ịgbado ọkụ na-ajụkarị ugboro ugboro na-ekere òkè na-abawanye na mmepụta. Gịnị bụ ike ọkọnọ ụkpụrụ nke ọkara ugboro ntụpọ ịgbado ọkụ igwe?
Enwere ike kewaa usoro ọrụ nke igwe ịgbado ọkụ nke ọkara ugboro n'ime usoro ndị a:
1. Tụgharịa 50HZ AC rectifier na iyo n'ime 800-2000HZ ọkara ife.
2. Dabere na igwe ngbanwe nke ọkara iji belata voltaji na voltaji dị ala ọzọ na-agbanwe ugbu a, ihe dị ka volt iri.
3. Mgbe usoro atọ na-emezigharị zuru oke, a na-atụgharị ya n'ime obere voltaji kpọmkwem ugbu a.
4. A na-eme ịgbado ọkụ site na usoro nrụgide.
Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is an enterprise engaged in the development of automated assembly, welding, testing equipment and production lines. It is mainly used in home appliance hardware, automobile manufacturing, sheet metal, 3C electronics industries, etc. According to customer needs, we can develop and customize various welding machines, automated welding equipment, assembly and welding production lines, assembly lines, etc., to provide appropriate automated overall solutions for enterprise transformation and upgrading, and help enterprises quickly realize the transformation from traditional production methods to mid-to-high-end production methods. Transformation and upgrading services. If you are interested in our automation equipment and production lines, please contact us:
Oge nzipu: Jan-11-2024