Nga Waahanga Hiko o te Waenga-WaeaMiihini Waahi Waahi:
Ko te kounga teitei, te roa, me te kakahu-atete zirconium-parahihiko hiko e whakamahia ana i roto i nga waahanga hiko o runga me raro o te miihini whakahiato waahi-waenganui. Ko nga hiko o roto ka whakamataohia ki te wai hei whakaiti i te pikinga o te pāmahana i te wa e kawe ana nga taonga hiko, na reira ka mau te roa me te roa o nga hiko.
Pūnaha whakamatao wai:
E rima nga wahanga o te punaha whakamahana wai: te whakamahana wai roopu whakawhiti, te whakamahana wai o te roopu diode, te whakamahana wai hiko o runga, te whakamahana wai hiko o raro, me te whakamahana wai paraka paraka whakaputa. Ko te tohatoha wai ka tutuki ma te tohatoha, me te mana rere takitahi. Kei te whakauruhia he taputapu aroturuki wai hei tirotiro i te pehanga wai, me te whakarite i te mahi noa o nga taputapu kaore he pakaru.
Pūrere Aroturuki:
Ko nga taputapu e mau ana ki te aroturuki wai me te aroturuki hau, me te punaha whakaoho.
Nga Tikanga Haumaru:
Ka whakamahia he pana hikoi waewae mo te whakahohe, a ko te wai whakamatao miihini matua ka tino wehea mai i te hiko hiko teitei, me te whakarite i te haumaru i te wa e mahi ana. Ka whakairihia nga tohu whakatupato moorearea ki nga waahi e kaha ana te ngaohiko, ngaa morearea ranei.
Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the development of automated assembly, welding, testing equipment, and production lines, primarily serving industries such as household appliances, hardware, automobile manufacturing, sheet metal, and 3C electronics. We offer customized welding machines and automated welding equipment tailored to customer needs, including assembly welding production lines, assembly lines, etc., providing suitable automation solutions for enterprise transformation and upgrading. If you are interested in our automation equipment and production lines, please contact us:
Te wa tuku: Maehe-18-2024