
Tsanangudzo yekuumbwa kwepakati frequency spot welder

The medium frequencynzvimbo welding muchinainoumbwa nefuremu, welding transformer, electrode neelectrode arm, pressure mechanism uye mvura inotonhorera, etc. The welding transformer is second loop ine denderedzwa rimwe chete, maelectrodes ekumusoro nechepazasi uye electrode ruoko anoshandiswa kuitisa welding current uye kutamisa. simba.

IF inverter nzvimbo welder

Mvura inotonhorera yemuchina wepakati frequency nzvimbo welding inopfuura nemushanduri, electrode uye zvimwe zvikamu, kuitira kudzivirira kupisa kana welding, mvura inotonhorera inofanira kutanga yapfuudzwa, uye ipapo chinja chemagetsi.Electrode zvinhu zvinowanzogadzirwa nemhangura, chromium zirconium mhangura, etc. Chimiro che electrode yakasiyana, kunyanya maererano nechimiro che solder.

Paunenge uchiisa electrode, teerera kuchengetedza pamusoro pepamusoro uye pasi electrode parallel;Iyo electrode yepamusoro inofanira kuchengetedzwa yakachena, kazhinji yakachekwa nemucheka we emery kana faira.Iye zvino electrode grinding yave kushandiswa zvakanyanya electrode grinding machine inovandudza zvikuru kushanda kwekushanda.

Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is engaged in automatic assembly, welding, testing equipment and production line development enterprises, mainly used in home appliance hardware, automobile manufacturing, sheet metal, 3C electronics industry. According to customer needs, we can develop and customize various requirements of welding machines and automatic welding equipment and assembly welding production lines, production lines, etc., to provide suitable automated overall solutions for enterprise transformation and upgrading, and help enterprises quickly realize the transformation and upgrading services from traditional production methods to high-end production methods. If you are interested in our automation equipment and production lines, please contact us:

Nguva yekutumira: Jan-15-2024