
Litlhokahalo tsa boleng ba metsi a pholileng bakeng sa mechini ea welding ea maqhubu a mahareng ke efe?

Litlhoko tsa boleng ba metsi a pholileng ke life bakeng sa maqhubu a maharengmetjhini e tjheseletsang letheba?Ka kakaretso, diteng tsa ion tsa sulfate, ions silicate le phosphate ions metsing a ka tlase ho mobu le metsi a ka hodimo di tlase, athe diteng tsa ion tsa bicarbonate di phahame.Ka hona, tekanyo e hlahisoang tsamaisong ea metsi a pholileng a potolohang haholo-holo carbonate ea calcium le magnesium.Ho phaella moo, ho boetse ho na le lintho tse nyenyane tsa sulfate, silicate le phosphate ea calcium le magnesium.

IF inverter spot welder

Hobane mocheso o fetisang mocheso oa potoloho ea conductive ea mochine oa ho tjheselletsa letheba oa maqhubu o amana le sekala sa holim'a metsi, tekanyo ea holim'a metsi e teteaneng, e nyenyane ea mocheso o fetisang mocheso.Hangata, boima ba 'mele ha bo fete 2 mm.Sebopeho le mocheso oa metsi a pholileng li ama ka ho toba kholo ea botenya ba sekala., kahoo o tlameha ho khetha ho sebelisa metsi a hloekileng, a se nang litšila, a sa nke lehlakore le a bonolo bakeng sa ho cheselletsa libaka.

Bakeng sa mochine o pholileng, litokisetso tse khethehileng ke tse latelang:

1. Metsi a pholileng a haufi le ho se nke lehlakore, ke hore, motsoako oa hydrogen ion concentration P ke 6.5-9.5;

2. Lintho tsa tlhaho le litšila tse emisitsoeng ke mechine ka bobeli ≤25 mg / L, 'me oli ea oli ke ≤5 mg / L.

3. Ho thatafala ≤10 ° (thata 1 ° e lekana le 10 mg Ca0 kapa 7.19 mg Mg0 ka litara e le 'ngoe ea metsi).

4. Moralo oa ho lokisa Li-ion tsa calcium ka metsing ke lona lebaka le ka sehloohong la ho thehoa ha calcium carbonate.Haeba li-ion tsa khalsiamo le magnesium li ka tlosoa metsing ho nolofatsa metsi, calcium carbonate e ke ke ea khanya le ho putlama, 'me sekala se ke ke sa theha.

Suzhou Anjia Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is an enterprise engaged in the development of automated assembly, welding, testing equipment and production lines. It is mainly used in home appliance hardware, automobile manufacturing, sheet metal, 3C electronics industries, etc. According to customer needs, we can develop and customize various welding machines, automated welding equipment, assembly and welding production lines, assembly lines, etc., to provide appropriate automated overall solutions for enterprise transformation and upgrading, and help enterprises quickly realize the transformation from traditional production methods to mid-to-high-end production methods. Transformation and upgrading services. If you are interested in our automation equipment and production lines, please contact us: leo@agerawelder.com

Nako ea poso: Jan-12-2024