
Medium frequency spot welding machine spot welding nut technology le mokhoa

Nate ea welding ea maqhubu a maharengletheba welderke ho phethahala ha projection welding function ea spot welder. E ka qeta ho cheselletsa linate kapele le ka boleng bo holimo. Leha ho le joalo, mathata a 'maloa a hloka ho rarolloa nakong ea ts'ebetso ea ho cheselletsa linate. Ha hoa lokela ho ba le matheba a oli le mafome pele ho tjheseletsa.

IF inverter spot welder

1. Tlas'a ts'ebetso e tšoanang ea welding le khatello, mojaro o senyang o eketseha ka ho eketseha ha nako ea welding. Ha e nyolohela ho boleng bo tsitsitseng, e fokotseha ho e-na le hoo. Ka hona, preheating hangata ha e sebelisoe bakeng sa ho cheselletsa ho thibela ho chesa ho feta tekano.

2. Tlas'a nako e tšoanang ea welding hona joale le nako ea welding, moroalo oa tšenyo o fokotseha ka ho eketseha ha khatello ea welding. Hobane khatello e ntse e eketseha, khanyetso ea ho kopana pakeng tsa nut bump le poleiti e fokotseha, kahoo e fokotsa mocheso oa tjheseletsa le moroalo oa tšenyo. Khatello ea ho cheselletsa e phahame haholo, selikalikoe sa convex se pshatleha pele ho nako, boima ba hona joale bo theoha haholo, 'me boima ba tšenyo bo fokotseha le ho feta. Ho fapana le hoo, haeba khatello e le nyane haholo, letsoalo la hona joale le tla nyoloha haholo ho baka ho phatloha kapa "ho chesa" mme moroalo oa tšenyo le ona o tla fokotseha. Fetola nako e tsamaellanang le preload le khatello e loketseng ea li-electrode.

3. Etsa bonnete ba hore ho tiisoa ha manonyeletso a cheselitsoeng, 'me mefuta e mengata ea mekhoa ea ts'ebetso e pharaletse haholo. Ha ho bapisoa le khatello ea welding le nako ea welding, khatello ea welding e bohlokoa. Etsa bonnete ba hore khatello ea welding ha e tlase haholo.

4. Ha khatello ea hona joale ea welding le welding e tšoana, ha nako ea welding e ntse e eketseha ho fihlela e eketseha ho ea boemong ba ho chesa haholo, deformation e eketseha. Ha hona joale ho feta boleng bo itseng, tsoela pele ho eketsa nako ea ho tjheseletsa, 'me liphetoho tsa qubu li tla etsahala karolong e ka tlaase ea linate. Phello ea khatello ea welding ho deformation ea khoele e batla e le nyane. Ke habohlokoa ho hlokomela hore ho tšoana ha khatello ea welding e sebelisoang ho na le tiisetso e itseng ea boleng ba welding.

Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is an enterprise engaged in the development of automated assembly, welding, testing equipment and production lines. It is mainly used in home appliance hardware, automobile manufacturing, sheet metal, 3C electronics industries, etc. According to customer needs, we can develop and customize various welding machines, automated welding equipment, assembly and welding production lines, assembly lines, etc., to provide appropriate automated overall solutions for enterprise transformation and upgrading, and help enterprises quickly realize the transformation from traditional production methods to mid-to-high-end production methods. Transformation and upgrading services. If you are interested in our automation equipment and production lines, please contact us: leo@agerawelder.com

Nako ea poso: Jan-30-2024