
Mehato ea Taolo ea Boleng bakeng sa Mechini ea ho Welding Spot ea Mid-Frequency Spot

Tlhahlobo ea boleng ba welding ea mahareng a maqhubuletheba welderska kakaretso e kenyelletsa mekhoa e 'meli: tlhahlobo ea pono le tlhahlobo e senyang. Tlhahlobo ea pono e kenyelletsa ho hlahloba likarolo tse fapaneng tsa weld. Haeba tlhahlobo ea metallographic e hlokahala ho sebelisoa microscopy, sebaka sa fusion se cheselitsoeng se hloka ho khaoloa, ho ntšoa, le ho belisoa bakeng sa ho bola. Leha ho le joalo, ho etsa liqeto tse ipapisitseng le tlhahlobo ea pono ho kanna ha se lekane, ka hona ho bohlokoa ho etsa liteko tse senyang.

IF inverter spot welder

Teko e senyang hangata e kenyelletsa liteko tsa ho tabola, moo thepa ea motsoali e cheselitsoeng e tabohang hore e netefatsoe (lehlakore le leng le bonts'a masoba a chitja, ha lehlakore le leng le bonts'a masala a sebopeho sa konopo). Ho feta moo, ho na le mekhoa ea ho sebelisa tester tensile ho leka matla a ho tsitsa.

Classification of Weld Joint Grades:

Sehlopha sa Pele:

E mamella meroalo e matla, e matla, kapa e fapanyetsanang, 'me ho se sebetse ha lenonyeletso ho ka beha bophelo ba motho kotsing.

Mophato oa Bobeli:

E mamella meroalo e batlang e tsitsitse, e matla, kapa e fapanyetsanoang, 'me ho se sebetse ha lenonyeletso ho ka lebisa ho hloleheng ha sistimi empa ha e behe polokeho ea batho kotsing.

Sehlopha sa Boraro:

Ka tloaelo e sebelisoa bakeng sa manonyeletso a tlas'a meroalo e menyenyane e tsitsitseng kapa e matla.

Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the development of automated assembly, welding, testing equipment, and production lines, primarily applied in industries such as household appliances, automotive manufacturing, sheet metal, and 3C electronics. We offer customized welding machines, automated welding equipment, and assembly welding production lines according to customer needs, providing suitable overall automation solutions to assist companies in quickly transitioning from traditional production methods to high-end production methods. If you are interested in our automation equipment and production lines, please contact us: leo@agerawelder.com

Nako ea poso: Apr-09-2024