
Hobaneng ha Mochini oa Welding Spot oa Mid-Frequency Spot o Fetola Haholo?

Maqhubu a maharengmetjhini e tjheseletsang lethebabonts'a ho ikamahanya le maemo ho matla ho maemo a tjheseletsa, ho ba lumella ho tjheseletsa likarolo tse fapaneng ka nepo. Ho tenyetseha ha bona ho totobatsoa ke bokhoni ba bona ba ho ikamahanya le maemo le mesebetsi e fapaneng, ha e ntse e thusa tlhahiso ea nako e le 'ngoe, ho fokotsa nako ea tlhahiso, le ho ntlafatsa katleho.

IF inverter spot welder

Mechini ena e na le likarolo tse 'maloa tse ikhethang. Mohlala, ba etsa ts'ebetso ea ho cheselletsa ka potlako haholo, e ba lumellang ho qeta mesebetsi e mengata ea tlhahiso ka nako e behiloeng, ka hona ba kenya letsoho ho eketseng tlhahiso. Tšebeliso ea li-welding tse bohareng ba maqhubu e ka finyella litlhoko tsa bareki ka katleho.

E na le likarolo tse kang litlhophiso tsa ho futhumatsa tse mekhahlelo e meraro, mesebetsi ea hona joale ea ho nyoloha le ho theoha, le litlhophiso tsa nako e pharaletseng (0-250ms kapa 0-1s), mechine ena e loketse mekhoa e rarahaneng ea ho cheselletsa, e fanang ka ts'ebetso e matla le e babatsehang. laola tshebetso. Ha ho bapisoa le mesebetsi ea matsoho, tlhahiso ea mechine e nepahetse haholoanyane.

Ho feta moo, mechini ea li-welding e nang le maqhubu a mahareng a maqhubu a mahareng e na le mefuta e mengata e pharalletseng ea welding, e etselitsoeng ka ho khetheha mesebetsi e thata ea welding. Sebaka sa bona se pharaletseng sa ts'ebetso se lumella ho ba haufi le likarolo tsa welding, ho nolofatsa ho phethoa ka katleho ha mesebetsi ea welding.

Suzhou Agera Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the development of automated assembly, welding, testing equipment, and production lines, primarily serving industries such as household appliances, hardware, automobile manufacturing, sheet metal, and 3C electronics. We offer customized welding machines and automated welding equipment tailored to customer needs, including assembly welding production lines, assembly lines, etc., providing suitable automation solutions for enterprise transformation and upgrading. If you are interested in our automation equipment and production lines, please contact us: leo@agerawelder.com

Nako ea poso: Mar-25-2024